PSB Insights
PSB Insights is an American consulting firm. It is a subsidiary of WPP.
Name | Position | Notes |
Mark Penn | Co-founder and CEO[1] | Burson-Marsteller, Stagwell, Microsoft, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Harvard College, George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management, CSIS Commission on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), No Labels, The Harris Poll[2][3] |
Douglas Schoen | Co-founder[4] | Langley Intelligence Group Network (LIGNET), RepresentUs, People United Means Action, Fox News, Newsmax, Newsmax TV |
PSB's clients include:[5][6][7][8]
- American Express
- Aspen Institute[9]
- AT&T
- Tony Blair
- BP
- Bill Clinton
- Hillary Clinton
- Coca-Cola
- McDonald's
- Merrill Lynch
- Microsoft
- Siemens
External links
About. Mark Penn. Retrieved September 19, 2018, from ↩︎
Business & Leadership. Mark Penn. Retrieved May 22, 2023, from ↩︎
About us. Harvard CAPS / Harris Poll. Retrieved November 16, 2023, from ↩︎
Johnson, D. W. (2017). Democracy for hire: a history of American political consulting (p. 166). Oxford University Press. ↩︎
Stengel, R., & Pooley, E. (1996, November 6). Masters Of The Message Inside the high-tech machine that set Clinton and Dole polls apart. CNN; TIME. ↩︎
Hennessy, P., & Sherwell, P. (2005, January 23). Blair recruits Clinton poll mastermind in drive to capture more Tory voters. The Telegraph. ↩︎
Bennett, C. (2005, February 3). Blair’s most prized advisers: the admen. The Guardian. ↩︎
Merrill Weighs a Giuliani Role. (2002, June 4). New York Times. ↩︎
The Aspen Institute. (2016, June 12). Ten Years After: How America Has Changed since 9/11. YouTube. ↩︎