Titus Wong
Dr. Titus Wong is a Canadian public health official and medical researcher based in Vancouver, British Columbia. He serves as a Regional Medical Director of Infection Control for the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority.[1]
Wong was featured in a marketing campaign for COVID-19 vaccine "boosters" in 2022 and 2023. Advertisements featuring Wong were published in social media posts by the Government of British Columbia in October 2022,[2] and the February 1, 2023 issue of the Campbell River Mirror.[3][4]
Titus Wong. VCH Research Institute. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from http://archive.today/2022.02.07-204004/https://www.vchri.ca/researchers/titus-wong ↩︎
BC Government News [@BCGovNews]. (2022, October 12). “Boosters are the most effective way to restore your immunity and help prevent serious illness. Keep your vaccinations up-to-date.” [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/BCGovNews/status/1580267215798272001 ↩︎
Hales, R. L. (2023, February 13). Anti-vax graffiti in Cortes Island newspapers. Cortes Currents. https://web.archive.org/web/20230702233708/https://cortescurrents.ca/anti-vax-graffiti-in-cortes-island-newspapers/#more-114211 ↩︎
“There are people who are vulnerable. Help protect them from serious illness by getting a booster.” (2023, February 1). Campbell River Mirror, A26. https://www.campbellrivermirror.com/e-editions/?iid=i2023020116430129349&&headline=Q2FtcGJlbGwgUml2ZXIgTWlycm9yLCBGZWJydWFyeSAxLCAyMDIz&&doc_id=230201164841-eee00239f7efc96d287c35ce047bacf9 ↩︎