Penny Ballem
Dr. Penny Janet Drury Ballem is a Canadian physician and public health consultant based in British Columbia.
Ballem served as Manager for the City of Vancouver from 2008 to 2015.
Ballem is the chair of Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (VCH), a position to which she was appointed in January 2019.[1]
Ballem was the executive lead of B.C.’s COVID-19 Immunization Program.[2] For this, she was paid $404,913.75 between January and October 2021, placing her among the top paid public officials in BC in 2021.[3] Ballem was contracted for $250-an-hour through her company, Pendru Consulting 354948 BC Ltd., for “analysis and planning” of the COVID vaccine project.
Dr. Penny Ballem. (2020). Vancouver Coastal Health. ↩︎
Ministry of Health. (2021, March 30). Immunize BC, pharmacists move up vaccines for ages 55-65 on Lower Mainland | BC Gov News. Government of British Columbia. ↩︎
Mackin, B. (2022, January 12). COVID Exclusive: $405,000 and counting for B.C. vaccine boss Ballem. TheBreaker. ↩︎