Effective Altruism Funds
Effective Altruism Funds, branded as EA Funds, is a grantmaking program run by the British and American branches of the Effective Ventures Foundation.
EA Funds has provided grant funding to:[1]
- 80,000 Hours
- A Happier World
- Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)
- Advocates for Animals
- Africa Network for Animal Welfare
- Against Malaria Foundation
- AI Safety Hub
- AI Safety Support
- Albert Schweitzer Foundation
- Aligned AI
- Alignment Research Center
- Alliance for Animals
- Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters (ALLFED)
- Anima International
- Animal Advocacy Africa
- Animal Advocacy Careers
- Animal Advocates International
- Animal Alliance Asia
- Animal Ask
- Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE)
- Animal Equality
- Animal Equality UK
- Animal Ethics
- Animal Friends Jogja (AFJ)
- Animal Kingdom Foundation
- Animal Law Italia (ALI)
- Animal Liberation Translation Fund
- Animal Nepal
- Animal Protection Organization of Nigeria
- Animal Rights Center Japan
- Animal Welfare Action Lab
- Animal Welfare League
- Animal Welfare Media
- Animals Aotearoa
- Aquatic Life Institute
- Asociación Para el Rescate y Bienestar Animal
- Australian Alliance for Animals
- Australian Catholic University
- Bangladesh Animal Welfare Society
- Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative (BERI)
- Berkeley Rationality and Effective Altruism Community Hub (REACH)
- Brown Effective Altruism
- BugSeq Bioinformatics
- Caltech Effective Altruism
- Campaigns and Activism for Animals in the Industry (CAAI)
- Carnegie Mellon Effective Altruism
- Causeway
- CellAg Germany
- Cellular Agriculture Australia
- Cellular Agriculture Society
- Cellular Agriculture UK
- Center for Applied Rationality (CFAR)
- Center for Global Development (CGD)
- Centre for Effective Altruism
- Center for Election Science
- Centre for Pesticide Suicide Prevention (CPSP)
- České priority
- Charity Entrepreneurship
- Chicago Rationality
- China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Foundation
- China Plant Based Foods Alliance (CPBFA)
- Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)
- Columbia Effective Altruism (CUEA)
- Columbia University
- Compassion in World Farming USA
- Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF)
- Credence Institute
- Crustacean Compassion
- Czech Association for Effective Altruism (CZEA)
- DC Voters for Animals
- Dharma Voices for Animals
- Disputas
- Dyrenes Alliance
- EA Mental Health Navigator
- EcoVeg Animals
- Education for African Animal Welfare
- Effective Altruism at Georgia Tech
- Effective Altruism at UC Berkeley
- Effective Altruism at UCLA
- Effective Altruism Australia National University
- Effective Altruism Cambridge
- Effective Altruism Claremont
- Effective Altruism Colorado
- Effective Altruism Consulting Network (EACN)
- Effective Altruism Denmark
- Effective Altruism Estonia
- Effective Altruism Finland
- Effective Altruism for Christians
- Effective Altruism Foundation
- Effective Altruism Geneva
- Effective Altruism Georgetown
- Effective Altruism Hong Kong
- Effective Altruism Israel
- Effective Altruism Los Angeles
- Effective Altruism Netherlands
- Effective Altruism Northwestern
- Effective Altruism Norway
- Effective Altruism NYU
- Effective Altruism NYU Abu Dhabi
- Effective Altruism Oxford
- Effective Altruism Poland
- Effective Altruism Singapore
- Effective Altruism St. Andrews
- Effective Altruism Sweden
- Effective Altruism Switzerland
- Effective Altruism University of Manchester
- Effective Altruism University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Effective Altruism Uppsala
- Effective Altruism Utrecht
- Effective Environmentalism
- Effective Giving Quest
- Effective Institutions Project
- Encompass
- Environmental & Animal Society of Taiwan (EAST)
- Equalia
- Essere Animali
- Ethical Seafood Research
- Eurogroup for Animals
- European Institute for Animal Law & Policy
- Evidence Action
- Expertise for Animals
- Expii
- Fish Welfare Initiative
- Forethought Foundation
- Forgotten Animals
- Fortify Health
- Fórum Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Animal
- Foundation for Advice and Action in the Defence of Animals
- Founders Pledge
- Future of Humanity Institute
- Ge Effektivt
- German Effective Altruism Network (NEAD)
- Global Challenges Project
- Global Food Partners
- Global Priorities Institute
- Good Food Institute
- The Good Growth Co.
- Harvard College Effective Altruism
- Healthier Hens
- High Impact Athletes
- High Impact Medicine
- High Impact Professionals
- Hong Kong Veg Society
- Humane League
- Humane League UK
- Humánny pokrok
- IDinsight
- Impact Books
- Impactmakers
- Imperial Effective Altruism
- Innovations for Poverty Action
- Insect Welfare Project
- Instiglio
- Institute of Animal Law of Asia
- Intercept
- Jewish Effective Giving Initiative
- Kafessiz Türkiye
- Legal Impact for Chickens
- Legal Priorities Project
- Let's Fund
- The Life You Can Save
- Lone Pine Games
- Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI)
- Malaria Consortium
- Metaculus
- Modern Agriculture Foundation
- Nature Imvelo Trust
- New Harvest
- NYU Stern School of Business
- One for the World
- One Health and Development Initiative (OHDI)
- Ought
- Oxford Experimental Psychology
- Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
- Planet for All
- Plant Based Foods Association
- Portland Effective Altruists and Rationalists (PEAR)
- Positive Impact Society Erasmus (PISE)
- Praxis
- Protección Animal Ecuador
- ProVeg International
- Pure Earth
- Quantified Uncertainty Research Institute
- Raise
- Raising for Effective Giving
- Rethink Charity
- Rethink Priorities
- Rutgers Department of Philosophy
- School of Thinking
- SCI Foundation
- Sculpting Evolution Group
- Sentience Institute
- Sentience Politics
- Sentient Media
- Sinergia Animal
- Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira
- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)
- SoGive
- Song Thuan Chay
- Stanford Effective Altruism
- Stichting Effectief Doneren
- Summer Program on Applied Rationality and Cognition (SPARC)
- Swarthmore Effective Altruism
- Tanzania Animal Welfare Society (TAWESO)
- Training for Good
- Tufts Effective Altruism
- Unique Planet
- University of Cambridge
- University of Guelph
- University of Otago Wellington
- University of Virginia
- Utility Farm
- Utunzi Animal Welfare Organization
- Vanderbilt Effective Altruism
- Vegans of Shanghai
- Veganuary
- VegeProject Japan
- Vegetarian Society of Denmark
- Voters for Animal Rights
- We Animals Media (WAM)
- WellBeing International
- Whylome
- Wild Animal Initiative
- Wild-Animal Suffering Research
- xiaobuVEGAN
External links
Grants Database. Effective Altruism Funds. Retrieved December 25, 2022, from https://web.archive.org/web/20221225054148/https://funds.effectivealtruism.org/grants ↩︎