Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy
The Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy (CSASPP) is a Canadian non-profit organization based in Vancouver, British Columbia. It was founded by Kip Warner in order to challenge the province's public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On March 12, 2023, CSASPP published an investigative article written by Warner bringing attention to Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson's possible conflict of interest due to his position as the Vancouver Foundation's Board Chair.[1]
CSASPP's 2023 annual banquet took place on July 7, 2023, and featured Brian Peckford and Reiner Fuellmich as guest speakers.[2]
On July 19, 2024, Justice David Crerar invited CSASPP and the Crown to provide submissions on the applicability of Canada (Attorney General) v. Power, a Supreme Court of Canada case published earlier that morning, on CSASPP's class action application.[3]
- January 16, 2023: Appellants' Factum
- June 5, 2023: CSASPP Advises Court of Proposed Amended Pleading in Class Proceeding
External links
Warner, K. (2023, March 12). Positive Revelations for Appeal of Chief Justice Hinkson’s Injection Passport Ruling in Identifying Potential Conflict of Interest. CSASPP. ↩︎
Warner, K. (2023, July 19). Banquet epilogue. CSASPP. ↩︎
Warner, K. (2024, July 19). Justice Crerar invites submissions on Canada (Attorney General) v. Power. Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy. ↩︎