Alan Turing Institute
The Alan Turing Institute is a British research institute based in London, England.
Following the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Alan Turing Institute conducted a research project titled “Vulnerability to misinformation during COVID-19” funded by the Health Foundation. The project used “online experiments” to identify “which individuals are most vulnerable to believing falsities” and “what features of false content lead individuals to believe they are true.”[1]
The project's initial findings were published on March 1, 2021.[2]
The institute is sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.[3][4]
Partners and collaborators of the institute include:
- Accenture
- Airbus
- Aston Martin
- Autistica
- Babcock
- Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- British Airways
- British Heart Foundation
- Cardiff University
- CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture
- City University of London
- Connected Places Catapult
- Cray
- Crop Ontology
- Daphne Jackson Trust
- Data Science Africa
- Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
- Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
- DSO National Laboratories
- Durham University
- Earlham Institute
- Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC)
- Element AI
- EngageMedia[5]
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- Francis Crick Institute
- Goldsmiths University of London
- Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)
- Greater London Authority
- Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
- Health Data Research UK
- Health Foundation
- Henry Royce Institute
- Imperial College London
- Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)
- Innovate UK
- Innovate UK KTN
- Intel
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
- Jaguar Land Rover
- Johns Innes Centre
- Keele University
- King's College London
- Leeds City Council
- Lloyd's Register Foundation
- London First
- London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Medical Research Council (MRC)
- Microsoft
- Ministry of Defence
- Modular Open Source Identity Platform (MOSIP)
- Mozilla
- MX3D
- National Air Traffic Services (NATS)
- National Grid ESO
- Nesta
- Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)
- Newcastle University
- Northumbria University
- Nottingham Trent University
- Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV)
- Office for National Statistics (ONS)
- Oxquant
- Privitar
- Public Health England (PHE)
- Public Health Scotland
- Quantexa
- Queen Mary University of London
- Queen's University Belfast
- Refinitiv
- Rescue Global (RG)
- Ridgeview
- Roche
- Rolls-Royce
- Royal Holloway, University of London
- Royal Veterinary College
- Samsung
- Satellite Applications Catapult
- Science and Technology Facilities Council
- Scottish Enterprise
- Security Service (MI5)
- Siemens
- Smart Data Foundry
- Teesside University
- The International Small Group & Tree Planting Program (TIST)
- Transport for London (TFL)
- TransUnion
- United Kingdom Space Agency (UKSA)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- University College London (UCL)
- University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
- University of Birmingham
- University of Bristol
- University of Cambridge
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Exeter
- University of Glasgow
- University of Leeds
- University of Liverpool
- University of Manchester
- University of Nottingham
- University of Oxford
- University of Reading
- University of Sheffield
- University of Southampton
- University of Stathclyde
- University of Surrey
- University of Warwick
- Veale Wasbrough Vizards (VWV)
- Waze
- Wordsworth Trust
- Zooniverse
Vulnerability to misinformation during COVID-19. Alan Turing Institute. Retrieved June 24, 2023, from ↩︎
Who is most vulnerable to health-related misinformation? (2021, March 1). Alan Turing Institute. ↩︎
Current partnerships and collaborations. Alan Turing Institute. Retrieved June 23, 2023, from ↩︎
Current partnerships and collaborations. Alan Turing Institute. Retrieved April 27, 2022, from ↩︎
Partners. EngageMedia. Retrieved October 28, 2023, from ↩︎